After years of horror stories about the dangers of using mobile phones on airplanes, it has been revealed that they don’t actually cause a threat at all. So a phone call can’t bring down an entire jumbo jet? Who knew…?
In light of this, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is launching a public review of the ban on aircraft phone use, but is this a good thing? A recent poll by the Associated Press news agency suggested that 48% of Americans opposed allowing mobile phone calls during flights.
We’ve all sat on public transport, irritated by the person one seat behind, loudly discussing the fascinating events of their weekend. Imagine if that 10 minute bus journey was actually a 4 hour flight with no way of escaping…
Although at first glance the proposal may be a welcome change to the rules; no one wants to listen to needless chatter throughout their flight – especially when they’re trying to sleep through the journey. Not only this, in an age of technological obsession, isn’t it nice to be switched off from the world for a few hours?
Whether you’re pro change or not, try booking your next flights through On the Beach!